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My Story

Security Excellence

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

This story conveys the first breadwinner family business, where the journey originates.


For those that don't know me, which is most:

Except for a coupIe staple accounts, I spent my career leaving no trace on the Internet.

Partly out of privacy and partly of out lack of excitement with social media.

Now that I am rebranding and focused on Public and Private board governance, diving into the Executive space as needed.

The lights are on, and the branding campaign is beginning.


Growing up, I worked in the family businesses; commercial greenhouses to compressed natural gas.

From physically building the greenhouse to laying the gas lines that all carry that gas from the wells into the TEXAS fact one we are one of the few private companies to do so.

Although a [technologist] since a child, I looked at ways to remotely monitor, automate, and address risks.

...You would be surprised who shows up to sabotage your equipment at night..

Moving onto other endeavors and embracing that passion for technology

at one point I founded a boutique home audio and video company that quickly gained traction;

However, I learned the happiness quota was missing.

Coming back to the technology umbrella, and as a hobby hacker for many years, I doubled down on security risk:

which can simply be defined as the probability of uncertainty the unknown variance or deviation in your plane to make money (not that Big 4 stuff).

Running through the gambits I gained insight working for:

  • the world's leading satellite provider, serving military, news, disaster response, airlines..,

  • the largest Internet backbone provider,

  • a global auditing firm serving government down to mom and pop,

  • and one of the largest healthcare systems.

I was even NSA screened at one time...although I still do not know what really means 

Early on though, a time came when the patterns and pain points emerged as clear as the sun.


With the family business, the focus turned to measuring risk with the financials, the ROIC or generically ROI. This is a major pain point that I learned plagues risk management professionals.


Currently, I'm a member of the usually suspects of board associations and learned how they educate current and future board members.

The best path forward is enabling boards to understand technology and risk governance..

as we see with silicon valley start ups..

while others allow technology and risk to stifle innovation and growth.

[For me] this means:

  1. Operating as a board advisor,

  2. Acting as a sitting member for those of my most interest

Noting, training cannot be one and done, it must be ongoing until fulfilled.

To paraphrase Steve Wozniak: time is irrelevant, learning happens on its own time lime.

Additionally, it should be affirmed, there is not enough expertise to go around, therefore it is simply not feasibly for everyone to obtain a sitting expert. Obviously, a select few [the lucky ones] will obtain a sitting member.

So, here I am...pursuing board roles, forming an Advisory Group, among other endeavors..

All With the caveat... when you are the commodity...time is a constraint.



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