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AI Written Article #1

AI was given some insight into the issue - Executive offers often ill-informed with cyber risk marriage to the company's value chain - and asked to write an article.

Here is that article:

Welcome, to the deep end of the corporate governance pool. The focus of our swim today? Enterprise Risk Management, emphasis on Cybersecurity - or Cyber, as we call it. Let's wade into the choppy waters of director oversight and Cyber risk management. Hold onto your swim caps, because according to an eye-opening EY survey, a bothersome 76% of executive officers confess a lack of understanding in aligning Cyber risk to their business' unique value proposition. A bit like trying to swim against the current, upstream, isn't it?

Now, let's do a bit of time traveling. You might have heard someone, assert, Cyber is the IT department's headache, not ours. In our increasingly digital world, Cyber has transitioned from a tech problem to a business problem. If your board and officers aren't proficient swimmers in the Cyber sea, you're not just treading water, you're sinking.

"But hold your horses," you argue, "We're officers and directors, not Cyber savants!" True enough, but here's the silver lining: you don't have to master the art of Cyber to manage its risks. Your role isn't to decrypt the Da Vinci Code of Cybersecurity. Instead, it's to navigate your organization through the Cyber ocean by aligning Cyber risk with your business strategy.

The starting block? Demand transparency. When dealing with your Cyber team, insist on briefings devoid of the complex vernacular. Request the potential risks to be mapped onto your business terrain. Seek measurable metrics. In essence, pull Cyber from the deep end and place it on the safety of dry land.

But here's the rub: to align Cyber risk with your unique business proposition, there's a crucial skill missing - understanding. Here's where a fresh paradigm is emerging: Cyber Advisory Committees. With a scarcity of Cyber-savvy officers, boards are increasingly turning to these committees for guidance.

What role does a Cyber Advisory Committee play? It provides the lifeboat. These committees are a cohort of professionals skilled in translating the technicalities of Cyber into boardroom language. They can decipher the potential impacts on your unique value proposition and provide clear, actionable strategies.

However, forming a committee isn't a magic bullet. The right mix of expertise is vital. You need people who not only understand the technical side of Cyber, but also grasp the nuances of your business, its unique value proposition, and its strategy. It's about finding the right balance of expertise to chart a course through the Cyber sea.

So, to sum it up, there's a significant shift on the horizon for director oversight. If your board is still navigating the Cyber sea without a clear compass, it's high time to climb aboard the transparency train and contact Security Excellence. Because in our digital age, a board that doesn't understand how to align Cyber risk with its unique value proposition is like a ship in a storm without a lighthouse. And that's a voyage no one wants to take.

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