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Risk meets
Revenue Generation

Innovation. Value Creation.

What is a Cyber Risk?

Risk Management encompass both Business and Technology.

Cyber, formerly Information Security, has a layer in each area of the business, however Cyber is a business risk first, with technical aspects attached. If Cyber Risk is not in your Business' Operating Model, then your company is not resilient. According to the WEF, less than 17% of boards feel their Cyber Strategy is resilient. 

Security Excellence services include value chain strategies and a skillset to strategize with cyber risk management, a perfect harmony.



Director or Advisor

Board Member and Advisor

 Directly hire Dustin Schimp, global technologist in Cyber and Risk Strategy. "Checking complexity at the door, leveraging world-class principles, such as those from Toyota and private equity combined with Cyber expertise advising leading companies, enables me to strategize any set of companies." Truly, world-class Risk Strategy. Let me demonstrate how Risk should be governed and how it can generate revenue along the way.

  • PDA, NACD, DDN, Vistage member

  • Payment Compliance Industry (PCI)

  • Healthcare (HIPAA)

  • Oil/Gas

  • Family Business

  • Private Equity / Venture Capitalist

  • Fortune 10 to mom and pop

  • Acquisition or Valuation

  • Cyber (IT) Resiliency



Why CxO?

 CxO services, or fractional CSO/CRO for Digital Transformation, Performance Improvement, and Risk Management. Fractional CxO innate benefits include: advising multiple companies enables us to be more adept with diverse environments and experience a greater variety of strategic planning. The full-time equivalent (FTE) will necessitate third-party solutions and is more likely to stagnate. Our CxO services typically save *50% of the full-time equivalent. This allows larger companies to achieve efficiency (ROIC) and enables small companies the ability to afford a CxO.

*the average full time CSO salary is $584k, with the top earners making over $2M


  • More proficient

  • Organically proficient 

  • More adept with diverse environments

  • Cost savings; efficiency (value)

  • A roadmap to a resilient future



Expert Witness

 From Trade Secret, Patent infringement, non-infringement, validity & invalidity. Deep knowledge and experience meet the requirements for a truly expert witness.

We’re Good with Numbers


Years Experience


Revenue Saved



Why Security Excellence?

  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

Founded by Dustin Schimp, also known as the

DS in the Digital Security space.​

From a family business in Oil and Gas, building physical infrastructure, implementing technology, and addressing resiliency to risk consulting for the largest healthcare system in North America. His current focus in the family business is on finance and risk strategy. "Minimizing risk while generating revenue is truly a win-win."


Too many companies see risks as overly complicated, hindering business and hemorrhaging money instead of making it.  This, in effect, leaves cyber risk viewed with a negative connotation. A vicious cycle too often observed.


Let us remove complexity and leverage world-class financial and risk models. Efficient and Effective Governance (EEG), this is what Security Excellence lives for.​ Let us apply our deep cyber risk expertise combined with industry proven principles to elevate your posture and turn risk into a revenue generator. Perhaps even innovate.

Q. Why did you found Security Excellence? 

A. Upon advising some 450+ organizations, from Fortune 10 to mom-and-pop, large inefficient patterns were observed, the many frameworks that leave gaps, the new rule or regulation that creates more angst. All ultimately create a headache, and hindrance for the revenue. That bothered me. With my strategically designed career, together we can achieve results that most strive yet fail to obtain. 

Our target audience desires governance with crucial questions surrounding their strategy, resiliency and efficiency, a competitive advantage, and if leadership is best equipped for current and future strategies.

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Let’s Work Together

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